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4983 Search Results Found
1 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Fri, 15 December 2023 22:06 «» By: OraFerro
Problem in pivot query
…in a pivot query. following case shows a test table that works just fine but when using the view that carries the actual data it fails. I tried revising the data and even getting a small sample of the view data to make sure that Due_month has normal …
2 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 06 November 2023 14:24 «» By: Amine
Recursive subquery factoring
…have this table drop table t_hierarchy_test; create table t_hierarchy_test ( id number , id_dpt number , id_dpt_sup number , id_post number ); alter table t_hierarchy_test add constraint PK_t_hierarchy_test primary key(id, id_dpt…
3 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 13 March 2023 01:39 «» By: OraFerro
Rescheduling installments by distributing amounts
…case and expected results: create table test_sched ( agr_id number(6), installment_no number(3), Due_date date, amount number(15,3), status varchar(20) ); insert all into TEST_SCHED values (1,1,to_date('01-03-2014…
4 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 25 April 2022 05:09 «» By: OraFerro
Query to create data instead of storing it
… for year 2 (LoanYear2)…etc. create table test_dsv_loanYear ( LoanYear number(2) primary key, Amount number(15,3) not null ); insert all into TEST_DSV_LOANYEAR(loanyear, amount) values (1, 120) into TEST_DSV_LOANYEAR(…
5 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 15 August 2023 16:36 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…you with my script for you to run and test for just one directory initially.  I will also post my the results of my run. I tried to change as few things as possible, including prior names.  Once you have tested it, then you may want to change…
6 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Mon, 14 August 2023 15:03 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…as possible.   I typically begin a test script with spool test.txt then end it with spool off ed test.txt So that when the script is done running, it automatically takes me to view the results in a file. In the example below, I …
7 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 15 August 2023 13:16 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…d. I also dropped the preference:  KJC_TEST_INDEX_2_NETWORK_PREF and then recreated. I then recreated the index using KJC_TEST_INDEX_2_NETWORK_PREF. So what is the reason why I need to do this: ALTER INDEX KJC_TEST_INDEX_2_url1 REBUILD ONLINE…
8 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Wed, 16 August 2023 17:12 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
… is the script. commit; DROP TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX_2; CREATE TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX_2       (assigned_id  VARCHAR2(11),   text_content_url  VARCHAR2(2000)); BEGIN    CTX_DDL.…
9 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 15 August 2023 10:57 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…at bottom. commit; DROP TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX_2; CREATE TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX_2       (assigned_id  VARCHAR2(11),   text_content_url  VARCHAR2(2000)); BEGIN    CTX_DDL.DROP_PREFERENCE…
10 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 15 August 2023 08:47 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
… get it to run. commit; DROP TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX_2; CREATE TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX_2       (assigned_id  VARCHAR2(11),   text_content_url  VARCHAR2(2000)); BEGIN    CTX_DDL.…
11 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Mon, 14 August 2023 16:35 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
… is the script: commit; DROP TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX; CREATE TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX          (assigned_id  VARCHAR2(11),           text_content_url &…
12 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 29 September 2022 12:26 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: trigger executing a procedure to execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
… creating the objects): SQL> insert into test_load_tab values ('WTOLENTINO','TEST_STAT_TAB','In-Process','Test 1'); gather stats on table partition TEST_STAT_TAB failed error ORA-04092: cannot COMMIT in a trigger 1 row created. Ok there's the …
13 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Wed, 14 February 2024 00:30 «» By: oracle_search
Re: Creating Global vs Local Indexes for Partitioned Table
14 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Mon, 14 August 2023 13:37 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
15 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Mon, 14 August 2023 18:28 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…that I ran: commit; --DROP TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX_1; CREATE TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX_1          (assigned_id  VARCHAR2(11),           text_content_url…
16 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 31 July 2023 03:25 «» By: OraFerro
Merge using rownum
… I have the following case: create table test_main  (    id number primary key,    ag_num number,    mdate date ,    value number  ); create table test_log  …
17 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 15 August 2023 03:17 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…is my test with network_datastore and timeout of 3600 seconds and no_proxy and ''.  The error on the dropping of the url_datastore is only because it had been previously dropped, so that can be ignored. C##…
18 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 29 September 2022 12:38 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: trigger executing a procedure to execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
… do is: SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test_load_pro (pTableOwner VARCHAR2, 2 pTableName VARCHAR2) 3 AS 4 PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; 5 BEGIN 6 DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats…
19 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Mon, 14 August 2023 15:24 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…, so you have copied just one id and url for testing, which is an excellent idea.  You might even start with just something simple like I have below.  There are so many possibilities.  You need to establish whether you can index just one …
20 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Wed, 01 June 2022 04:44 «» By: akssre
Previous Date value calculation through LAG function
…it should group by Name. Create TABLE TEST (NAME VARCHAR2(20), TYPE1 VARCHAR2(20), TYPE2 VARCHAR2(20), EVENT_TIME DATE ) Insert into test values ('A','I','S',(to_date('01-JAN-2022', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))); Insert into test values ('A…
21 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Fri, 10 March 2023 12:25 «» By: akssre
Suggestion on count via sql statement
…"Not Available", group by Name and Test Date.If Down is not availabe for that particular Name and Date, count should be 0 but Not Available count should come and vice versa. Create table test (Name Varchar2(20), TEST_Date DATE, …
22 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Tue, 07 June 2022 00:57 «» By: RaShi.Raj
wrong number or types of arguments to package procedure in Forms
…nvironment) 1. I created a PL/SQL package TEST with procedure TEST_PROC with a single argument. create or replace package test is procedure test_proc ( a varchar2); end test; create or replace package body test is procedure test_proc ( a …
23 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Mon, 14 August 2023 20:50 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
… the script that I ran: DELETE FROM KJC_TEST_INDEX_1 WHERE assigned_id = 'MCP-135' / INSERT into KJC_TEST_INDEX_1 (assigned_id, text_content_url)  VALUES ('ABC-123', '') / COMMIT / BEGIN  ctx_ddl.…
24 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Fri, 10 March 2023 13:25 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: Suggestion on count via sql statement
…SCOTT@orcl_12.> SELECT Name, TRUNC(TEST_Date) AS Test_date, Instrument, COUNT(*) AS count 2 FROM test 3 WHERE Instrument IN ('Down', 'Not available') 4 GROUP BY Name, TRUNC(TEST_Date), Instrument 5 UNION 6 SELECT t1.Name, …
25 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Wed, 28 September 2022 15:28 «» By: wtolentino
trigger executing a procedure to execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
…ciated. thank you. SQL> create table test_load_tab 2 (table_owner varchar2(40), table_name varchar2(40), load_status varchar2(10), comments varchar2(80)); Table created. SQL> create or replace procedure test_load_pro (pTableOwner …
26 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Mon, 14 August 2023 18:49 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
27 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Thu, 10 August 2023 19:05 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…le, initial data, index, additional data for testing: SCOTT@orcl_12.> CREATE TABLE test_tab  2    (id  NUMBER,  3   document  VARCHAR2(4000))  4  / Table created. SCOTT@orcl_12.…
28 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Wed, 27 September 2023 23:39 «» By: OraFerro
Grouping similar strings together using UTL_MATCH Jaro-Winkler
…names) that are similar. create table test_jaro  (    id number(4) primary key,    string varchar2(30)  ); insert all  into test_jaro (id, string) values (1, 'My name is Fe"rro') &…
29 Forum: Test «» Posted on: Tue, 19 March 2024 03:03 «» By: gazzag
New laptop test
30 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 10 January 2023 08:12 «» By: OraDev16
Oracle Text Search - Handling special characters and blank search term
…in Oracle DB 11.2: drop table ot_test; create table ot_test( id number primary key, id_f varchar2(20), prod_name varchar2(1000), search_keywords varchar2(2000), prod_description_short varchar2(2000…
31 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Mon, 14 August 2023 19:48 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…-- script for you to run: DELETE FROM KJC_TEST_INDEX_1 WHERE assigned_id = 'MCP-135' / INSERT into KJC_TEST_INDEX_1 (assigned_id, text_content_url)  VALUES ('ABC-123', '') / COMMIT / BEGIN  ctx_ddl.…
32 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Sun, 07 January 2024 07:21 «» By: bammidi
plsql writen test questions
…Team, Attend plsql written test and most of the question are confusing, Could you please answer below questions. May be it will be multipul answers. Question : What are all the privileges required to create the materialized view as "CREATOR&…
33 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Wed, 07 February 2024 10:46 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: Querying table permissions to see which users have them
…Solomon underlined. We create a table in TEST schema, 3 users T1, T2, T3 and 3 roles R1, R2, R3 which are respectively granted to T1, T2 and T3 and R1 is granted to R2 and R2 to R3. Then we give privileges on the table to SCOTT and the roles: create …
34 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Tue, 15 January 2002 01:53 «» By: Satish Shrikhande
Delivering the top secret !!! Re: How I get the Tables' source
… Program >Command Prompt C:>exp userid=test/test owner=test C:>imp userid=test/test full=Y indexfile=c:/test.sql --You will get only table structure here --To get index,view and trigger structure C:>imp userid=test/test full=Y show=Y open …
35 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Fri, 10 March 2023 13:10 «» By: mathguy
Re: Suggestion on count via sql statement
… available', 2 from dual ) , prep (name, test_date, instrument, count_) as ( select name, trunc(test_date), instrument, count(*) from test where instrument in (select instrument from i) group by name, trunc(test_date), …
36 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Sun, 23 October 2022 06:29 «» By: Andrey_R
Why *is* my index used?
…all, I've prepared a testcase, where I have a table, which I made sure to have the same value for column TABLE_NAME: SQL> SET TIMING ON LINES 900 PAGES 20000 SQL> SQL> DROP TABLE TEST PURGE; Table dropped. Elapsed: 00:00:02.82 SQL&…
37 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 29 September 2022 05:56 «» By: Littlefoot
Re: trigger executing a procedure to execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
…1): SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test_load_pro (pTableOwner VARCHAR2, 2 pTableName VARCHAR2) 3 AS 4 PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; 5 BEGIN 6 DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats…
38 Forum: Backup & Recovery «» Posted on: Tue, 22 March 2022 15:08 «» By: Glenstr
restoring RMAN backup to point in time on another server, different SID & directory structure
…is not what I want to do. I have a test server, with a test and a dev instances of prod, periodically refreshed by doing a user managed backup (put tablespace in backup - copy file(s) to test server folder(s) - end tablespace backup) that backs up …
39 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Wed, 22 May 2024 07:46 «» By: Amine
More precision about log errors
…et's have an example. SQL> drop table test_tab; Table dropped. real: 125 SQL> create table test_tab  2  (  3   var1 number(2) ,  4   var2 number(2) ,  5   var3 number(1) ,  6   …
40 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Wed, 17 April 2024 17:31 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: Oracle ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined
…: C##SCOTT@XE_21.> create table test_tab  2    (col0 number generated by default as identity (start with 1) not null,  3   col1 varchar2(4),  4   col2 varchar2(4))  5  / Table …
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